Saturday, March 28, 2020

Learn About Chemistry Online For Free

Learn About Chemistry Online For FreeHave you ever tried to learn about chemistry and failed? Then you might be interested in a great way to learn about chemistry. It's actually easy and you can make it at home as well.There are several online videos that offer an introduction to chemistry. Most of these come with a series of questions that you have to answer. You have to watch the videos and answer them completely and in full so that the teacher will get the most from it. You also have to answer all the questions correctly in order to be successful in your study.In many cases, if you go through this series of videos a second time, you'll get even more information from it. The best part is that you don't have to pay for it. You can watch the videos whenever you want and at any time of the day. Just don't let yourself get bored.Another online chemistry class is called the Online Chemistry Worksheet. This class will help you understand all the components of a chemical formula. Some of the topics are oxidation, hydration, bonding, ionization, and multiple bond joining.It is really important to study all these things about chemistry because they have a direct impact on the different kinds of reactions that we perform every day. When you can read this information, you're going to be able to be better prepared when you're in the lab. It's very difficult to understand what you are doing without knowing the details.It is very important to see all the information that comes with an online chemistry course because you never know when you might need it. There are plenty of people who don't know how to look up information about the elements of the periodic table. Or they might not know that some combinations of the elements can only be done with certain compounds. online chemistry If you study online chemistry and even practice a bit, you can already be aware of the chemical reaction that occurs in the laboratory. All you need to do is learn and that is why it is essential that you study as much as possible.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How 10 Amazing Polyglots Learn Languages (and You Can Too)

How 10 Amazing Polyglots Learn Languages (and You Can Too) Ever wondered how polyglots do it?Does your mouth water every time you read about  Luca Lampariello, who speaks more languages than he has fingers, or  Donovan Nagel who can order good food in practically any restaurant on this planet while engaging in playful banter with the waiter?You ask yourself, “How do these guys do it? How do they learn all these languages and stay sane at the same time?”More importantly, in the inner recesses of your head, you’re also asking that one hopeful  question: Can a mere mortal like me be like them?Well you’re in luck, because in this post, well take a look at 9 of the most famous polyglots online. We’ll get  a candid  peek inside their processes and techniques so that you, a mere mortal, can apply them in your own journey and become like the gods of language learning.But before we do that, let’s briefly answer the initial  question: is it even really possible to become a polyglot? Or is it within the reach of only the freaky few?Read on. Is It Possible to Be a Polyglot?Learning Language as a Child: The Formative YearsChildren didn’t learn their first language by logging into Paypal and paying for an online course. Nor did they borrow books from the language learning section of the library.Nope, the very first language acquisition technique was not reading. Not even imitation.It was listening.We are often impressed by the linguistic sophistication displayed by children. We marvel at how they are like sponges, observing and absorbing everything they hear.A one-year old is really no newbie when it comes to listening. He’s a veteran because he’s been doing that for over a year! In fact, even inside the womb, before birth, the listening started.And when they are born, they prefer the familiar voice of their mother over any soothing female voice in the room. They also prefer the language that  their parents speak. And as early as 4 months, its been shown that they are able to distinguish between French and English. In one study, 16 pregnant mothers were asked to read The Cat in the Hat to their unborn child twice a day for the final 7 weeks of pregnancy. (It was estimated that the infants were exposed to the story for approximately 5 hours.) After birth, the infants were found to display clear preference for The Cat in the Hat over another children’s classic: The King, the Mice, and the Cheeseâ€"a story-poem with a different meter and beat.Now what does that tell you about the simple effectiveness of consistent exposure when learning a language? Because really, each language is just a collection of different  tones, sounds, timbres, and rhythms.Incidentally, in today’s vaunted language programs, how many absolutely stress the importance of listening?What Brain Studies Say About You and MeBut if youre thinking language is just about lips and tongue vibrating to make distinctive sounds, you are quite off the mark. Go higher than the mouth a few inches, and you hit the motherload.Language is a brain thing.We are born with a language instinct. Our brains are naturally wired for language. They have the innate ability to process complex information in the form of sounds, gestures and context.This capacity for language extends throughout life. Which means, you can learn any language, at any age. This is possible because the brain is plastic. And no, I don’t mean plastic like those toys from China.Plasticity is the brain’s ability to make new neural connections. Continued research has found that this happens all  throughout a person’s lifetime. Your brain today is not the same one as it was last month.Neural connections are created regardless of age. You’ve heard about Grandma Moses, right? She started painting in her seventies. Why? Because she felt  there was nothing else to do! And from there, her own paintings showed her how much she still had to offer, even into old age.So yes, it is possible to be a polyglot. We have enough processing power in our brains for it .And if I were you, I’d really make a point of learning a new language ASAP. Not just because it can lead to  employment and earning opportunities, but because of its implications on aging. Studies have found that just by learning a second language, you can delay the onset of Alzheimer’s. Bilinguals are diagnosed 4 years later than monolinguals.If learning just one extra language can do  such good, can you imagine the host of other benefits a multilingual can have? (That is, in addition to doubling or tripling one’s romantic possibilities.)The Explosion of Language Resources OnlineAs we speak, the web is exploding with language learning tools such as  apps, translators, flashcards and ebooks. Many of them free. You owe it to yourself  to take full advantage.  You are living in an age where education and information are literally at  your fingertips.It used to be that youd need to travel to Europe or Asia, or Latin America and spend some months talking to locals in order to  ge t a feel for a  language.Not anymore. Today’s technology can get you in contact with (willing!) native speakers, who find it a joy to teach you their mother tongue. And best of all, you can learn your target  language  without spending a single cent, taking a single step or waiting a single minute.You can take that road to being a polyglot right this instant. It will be one of the best decisions you will ever make.In the next section, I will introduce you to 9 people who made that decision and never looked back.How Polyglots Do It: A Survey of Tips and TechniquesHere I’m going to  present to you 10 modern polyglots and we’re going to  look briefly at their core language learning techniques, processes and mindsets. How were they able to do it?Let’s begin:Olly Richards (I Will Teach You A Language)This champ  has 8 languages under his beltâ€"and counting!If this survey of polyglots is making you think that you need to travel widely and wildly to become one, then Olly should be a good example of how you can acquire languages without setting foot in  its country of origin.Although he learned in France, Brazil, Argentina and Japanâ€"he also learned Spanish, Portuguese and Cantonese without visiting those countries. (In fact, he was learning Cantonese in Quatar! Go figure.)A big part of Olly’s method is founded in psychology. He talks about mindsets so much because it can determine the success or failure of any language expedition. The moment things get tough, people with different mindsets react differently. He understands that language learning  is very difficult to start but very easy to drop. So he makes sure that his students are in tune with  the psychological and motivational aspects of learning a language.One  of the “ language hacks” Olly himself uses is the “No English For 1 Hour Rule.” It is pretty self-explanatory. In that span of 60 minutes (which could be shortened to even  5 minutes for absolute beginners), you abandon your first lan guage. It is definitely disconcerting at first, but it works because it forces you not only to use the language but also to think in the language.Another technique he uses to smoothly learn a paragraph in  the target language is  writing mini-speeches and rehearsing them over and over. So for example, you could be memorizing a whole paragraph about your hobbies in French.The advantage of studying a coherent paragraph is that you can put everything in context. You are able to remember more of the vocabulary and notice the grammar rules better. On top of that, you are learning to converse in longer forms, rather than in single sentences.To benefit from more of Ollys wisdom directly, you can jump on board with his Language Learning Foundations video course, in which he helps you get set up with specific methods for learning a language.He also shares his insights about how to learn foreign language grammar faster in his Grammar Hero series and how to become conversational in a snap via his Conversations courses.John Fotheringham (Language Mastery)John Fotheringham, who describes himself as a “languaholic”, hails from Seattle but has zipped through Japan, Bangladesh, China, and Taiwan learning, speaking and teaching languages.John is a distinguished contributor to FluentU, whose engaging videos resonate with Language Mastery’s tenet of “learning the languages in a fun way.”One of the things he believes in is that nothing in language should be learned out of context. Rote memorization won’t work. Beyond reading and speaking the words many, many times, vocabulary should be memorized in meaningful context. If your brain is going to have any chance of making neural connections and maintaining  them, you  should involve the 5 senses to imprint the language into your long-term memory. (Use mnemonics if you have to. The crazier, the better.)Speaking of memory, John believes in the Spaced Repetition System. It is an automatic memory-enhancing software that ensu res past vocabulary lessons are always fresh in your mind. By intermittently reminding you of them, words that you found difficult will be brought to your attention many times over, while words that you found easy will be displayed less.Finally, John also believes in the importance of using audio materials. And for you to get the most out of them, you have to listen to lessons that are just a little bit above your level. Overreaching can result in you getting discouraged, while materials that are too easy can quickly  become boring. By working on materials that are just slightly above your current level, you are giving yourself an enjoyable challenge that’s highly doable and highly motivating.Benny Lewis (Fluent in 3 Months)Benny runs the largest language learning blog on the web. He is fluent in 7 languages and even gestures the American Sign Language. For a fellow  who claims not to have the language learning “gene”, that is such a rockin’ accomplishment.Hes a globetrottin g Irishman who tells everyone he meets his language learning secret: It’s okay to make mistakes. Go out and  make them! As many and as fast as possible.So he challenges his students to actually try and practice speaking their target language from  day one. He finds it interesting that people say they want to  speak a new languageâ€"then they set out to do activities that have nothing at all to do with talking!They keep themselves busy with language drills, grammar books and vocabulary-building when the only thing that matters is to actually speak the language. So he shuns orthodox methods and instead promote techniques like role playing where the learners actually get to talk.His “language hacking” method starts by demolishing all the mental blocks and psychological limitations that scare people away from fluency. Benny believes that once you get these handled, nothing can stop you from being the confident speaker that you ought to be.Fluent in 3 Months recommends skipping the mind-numbing grammar drills and instead focusing on the most useful and the most used words in the target language. With memory-enhancing activities like language games and word association, anyone can be fluent in a very short time.Donovan Nagel (The Mezzofanti Guild)Donovan is a polyglot from Australia  who firmly believes that you don’t need to study grammar in order to learn a language. Well, that may be good news for many, but its sure to get the goat of grammar Nazis who insist on the importance of grammar rules.He says: Grammar rules are what fluent speakers use to describe what they already know.He argues that, as children, we were already quite fluent in our first language even before we sat for our first grammar lesson. We learned by listening and copying adults.However, instead of individual words, we copied them in  â€œprefabricated chunks”â€"or, we copied their  phrases. For example, we learned the phrase “Come here” as a chunk, not as two individual words. And hearing those chunks  from our parents, we began to slowly understand what they actually meant.Nagel believes that repeated exposure repeated usage are key in learning the languages. Because of this belief, you can find him zipping across the globe and spending  months immersing in the target language and culture (recently, he’s been to Korea and Russia).And do you know what language products he recommends the most?Phrasebooks! He considers them the best investments in language learning, as theyre a great provider of your prefabricated chunks.Conor Clyne (Language Tsar)Conor Clyne is another Irish polyglot who came out of the school system knowing very little about effective language learning methods. School was so awful he even had trouble with his first language.But ten years on, we find him  fluent in French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Romanian and Catalan.How exactly did he do it?Through personal trial-and-error, Conor found that what worked for hi m was “integrative learning.”  It was about aligning all his routine and daily activities into learning the target language.  You might recognize this as a kind of immersion. He integrated the language in many ways. He would watch the shows in  the language he was studying. He would also read (level-appropriate) books. And he would do everything to keep contact with native speakers via Skype or via written correspondence.You see? He makes the language a whole lifestyle. He even travels to the countries that speak the language in order get a feel and ear for it.Now, you don’t have to go  globetrotting in order to imitate what Conor has done. FluentU can take you to other countries without even leaving your seat. With FluentU’s videos, you can get a feel and an ear for what it’s like in that country by listening to actual native material. FluentU takes real-world videosâ€"like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talksâ€"and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.  You’ll get to hear how native speakers actually speak, and solidify your learning with interactive flashcards that use spaced repetition practice. Try it! Learning turns into a whole different ballgame with FluentU.And one final tip from the Language Tsar Conor Clyne: Identify patterns in the language.He says it as one of his maxims of learning. A language is basically a group of people’s patterned way of communicating. If you are able to unlock many of those patterns, you’ll become an insiderâ€"fluent in their way of communicating.Luca Lampariello (The Polyglot Dream)Luca is one of the most famous and admired polyglots around. He’s Italian and is eminently likable because of his down-to-earth attitude and his passion for sharing his techniques with others.Ask Luca and he’ll tell you that quality trumps quantityâ€"or rather, quality should come before quantity. Most learners go for broke and buckle down to memorize a hundred-word vocabulary list in a day or two. (Expect them to also forget all those words in a day or two.)Luca believes in “snippets not buckets”. That’s why he encourages his students to work on learning the language every dayâ€"from a measly 15 minutes to an hour, tops. What is important is that you work on it on a daily basis (or 5x a week).Cramming won’t do the job. The man behind “The Polyglot Dream” says: The faster one learns a language, the faster one forgets. So don’t learn in haste.What you should be doing however is finding an audio course  that includes  accompanying written materials. Digest the lessons in this particular sequence:1) Listen to the audio material.2) Practice pronouncing the words and speaking the dialogue.3) Read the materials with audio, and then without audio4) Repeat numbers 1-3 several times over several days.5) Translate the dialogues into English (or your first language).6) Translate your English translations back to the original target languageBy translating your trans lation back to the target language, you learn to pick up the nuances between the two languages better. You notice how the two languages interact, what makes them different. This results in a kind of learning that has  more substance and impact than a mere memorization of grammar rules and vocabulary words.Simon Ager (Omniglot Blog)Behind the successful Omniglot Blog is the unassuming British fellow, Simon Ager. He was exposed to languages at a very young age as his mother was also into learning the languages.Unlike other polyglots, Simon learned French, German, Chinese and Japanese formally. He went to school or to University for them.But this is not to say that Simon doesn’t believe in the virtues of unorthodox learning. In fact, he is a proponent of Spaced Repetition, learning via Skype, watching foreign shows, listening to foreign podcasts, singing foreign songs.In an interview, he was asked: If you  could  give just one piece of advice to language learners, what would that be? His answer was “consistency”. He stresses that  learners should study regularlyâ€"everyday if possible. And not just in isolation, but by  practicing speaking in the presence of others, any chance you can get. By doing this, they will be able to correct their mistakes and have a better command of the language.He also advises them to put the language into writing, as often as possible. Simon is huge on writing. He is one of the few polyglots who gives the written word as much importance as the spoken word.Although he understands that writing and speaking differ in many ways, he believes that certain types of writing closely resembles speech: “Some forms of written language, such as instant messages and email, are closer to spoken language.”Writing will help root out common mistakes because “written material can be read repeatedly and closely analysed, and notes can be made on the writing surface”â€"thus making  your learning more efficient.Well, one  can expect nothing le ss from the guy behind one of the most successful language learning portals on the internet.Aaron Myers (The Everyday Language Learner)Aaron Myers, the Kansas native who now finds himself raising a family in Istanbul, Turkey is the man behind The Everyday Language Learner.“Comprehensible Input” is what EDLL is all about. The concept is borrowed from Stephen Krashen, a linguistics professor who forwarded The Theory of Second Language Acquisition in the 1980’s.Aaron Myers now champions “comprehensible input”â€"which is really more for language teachers than learnersâ€"but knowing about it helps learners choose the kinds of materials they will use in language acquisition.Of all the methods that linguists have played around withâ€"grammar drills, vocabulary lists â€"only comprehensible input effectively facilitates second language acquisition.  So what is it, anyway?It is the idea that learners only really learn when they are given material  that they can actually understand (or, comprehend). This might seem obvious enough, but you’ll never believe the number of teachers who don’t get this.So it’s not about rote memorizationâ€"memorizing without understanding. It’s not about observing a bunch of meaningless grammar rules. It’s not about having a podcast playing in the background in the hopes of absorbing the language unconsciously. It’s about comprehension.But take it from the man himself: The Everyday Language Learner gives plenty of ways to find or create “comprehensible input”. Have a peek.Ron (Language Surfer)Language Surfer was founded by a guy who just  calls himself “Ron”. He is an English degree-holding, mixed martial arts-watching, video game-playing dude who once worked as a professional translator and is presently a technical writer. He lives in the U.S.  and considers Florida home.For you to understand what Ron is all about, you have to understand how he sees language. For him, one can never really master a languageâ€"for how can one master something that’s so expansive, dynamic and fluid.“When I pause and think about a language, it’s like I’m looking out at the ocean. I can’t own the ocean. I can’t make the water do what I want.”So what does he do with language?Like a surfer, he rides it!A central tenet of Language Surfer is that language is not something to be conquered but something to be enjoyed. A surfer enjoys the waves and rides it. Sometimes he wipes out, other times he stands gloriously as the waves carry him. In both instances, he is having a jolly good time.Ask Ron what the missing ingredient is in many language programs and he’ll tell you that it’s  listening.There’s too much  grammar drilling, too much memorizing, even too much speaking in language programs, and too little listening. They don’t really address it adequately. This is detrimental for the language learner because the human brain is hardwired to understand and process spoken language. Hearing the sounds , utterances, rhythms and tones is the engine of language acquisition.  After all, what good is being able to say something if you cant understand the response?So according to  Ron, language learners should drop their flashcards  and learn to listen actively. Its the key that unlocks the door to fluency.So that’s it! 10 of the best-of-the-best sharing with  you their core beliefs and secrets. Take their techniques and beliefs and make them your own. It is my hope that years from now, next time a post like this is made, YOUR name will be among them.Wouldn’t that be something?Happy learning! And One More ThingIf youre digging these strategies, youll love using FluentU. FluentU makes it possible to learn languages  from music videos, commercials, news and inspiring talks.With FluentU, you learn real languagesâ€"the same way that natives  speak them. FluentU has a wide variety of videos like movie trailers, funny commercials and web series, as you can see here:FluentU App Browse Scr een.FluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, definition, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch something? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover your mouse over the subtitles to instantly view definitions.Interactive transcript for Carlos Baute song.You can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs learn mode. Swipe left or right to see  more examples for the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoAnd FluentU always keeps track of vocabulary that you’re learning. It uses that vocab to give you a 100% personalized experience by recommending videos and examples.Start using FluentU on the website with your computer or tablet  or, better yet,  download the FluentU app from  the iTunes store.

Online learning, whats the right option for you

Online learning, whats the right option for you What is online tuition? Although online tuition has been around for some time now, it has become increasingly popular over the past few years. Tutors have brushed up their IT skills so they can comfortably use software programs and tools that online tuition requires such as VOIP (Skype), interactive whiteboards, cloud sharing platforms, video, etc. What are the technical requirements? You basic requirements will be a computer, headphones and a good broadband connection. Most children from the age of 13 upwards will have sufficient PC skills to be able to receive online tuition and with a few clicks a tutor can help pupils with the setup during the first lesson. Is online tuition only between a tutor and a pupil? Certainly not! All online tuition is similar but some methods are more suited to young adults rather than children. Below are the three most popular ways of learning online. Online courses These are live interactive classes that allow the student to communicate and interact directly with the tutor and other students within a face to face online classroom. Ongoing assessment and feedback is provided. Classes are structured and scheduled at set times during the week. Online distance learning Although online distance learning can offer some live sessions either within a classroom environment or directly with a tutor, most of the time the student will study alone and upload their work to be corrected. Students normally have access to online videos and forums so they can interact with other students. This option is popular with adults that are committed to independent study and aim to obtain a degree during their spare time. One to one online tuition Lessons are only between the tutor and the tutee via video conference. A popular tool is an electronic pen that the student connects to their computer via USB and provides shared access to the tutor's white board. What are the benefits of online tuition? Students that live in remote areas or are unable to travel can find the perfect solution receiving ongoing help from a private tutor. With no travel arrangements necessary, both tutors and tutees can save time and money. Parents can monitor lessons from home and with the tutor's permission these could also be recorded for study purposes. Lessons can be booked to fit in around family life. If you are looking for online courses or one to one private online tuition, we invite you to register with us today. It's free to contact as many tutors or companies as you wish.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

It`s Time To Get Your Weekend On

It`s Time To Get Your Weekend On Hi everyone, its time to clock off, wind down and get your weekend on. I`m so glad it`s the weekend, but when am I not? I have no particular plans, but what I love about United States is that you can find here whatever you want: music, sport, culture, cuisine, kitsch, wildlife, beaches, thrills For those who need to catch up on studying TutorZ has a team of tutors that covers all subjects and grade levels from elementary school subjects to college. Ready to get help from an expert? Find an experienced Tutor now. Have a fun weekend!

Learn Organic Chemistry Reactions

Learn Organic Chemistry ReactionsOrganic chemistry is an extremely complicated subject. It is often treated as a 'black box' and in many cases a synthetic chemical can be substituted for a biological compound without being considered part of the true category of organic compounds. What does it mean to learn organic chemistry reactions?One of the main areas of concern when learning how to learn organic chemistry reactions is the concentration of the substance. Organic compounds generally have a lower solubility than any other type of chemical. These compounds often must be applied and re-applied until the desired effect is achieved. This is an important area to master if you hope to become an organic chemist.Another of the areas that I often see when thinking about learning how to learn organic chemistry reactions is the reaction stoichiometry. Often a certain reaction must be done to get the desired effect. Understanding the efficiency of a reaction in terms of working with certain p arameters can sometimes be as much fun as actually solving problems.Learning how to learn organic chemistry reactions will also require an understanding of the formation of the reaction products. The formation of the product can be useful for many applications. This knowledge also gives a beginner the ability to design more complex processes without learning all the steps.A bit of theory in organic chemistry is always helpful. A solid understanding of what can be achieved by properly designing a reaction will greatly facilitate the learning process.When it comes to organic chemistry, there are many different techniques used to bring the reactions to fruition. This includes synthetic chemicals, nucleation and the use of complex working procedures. These are just a few of the many different things that go into this process and learning about them can be a real timesaver.Learning how to learn organic chemistry reactions can be fun and sometimes even enlightening. It is a rewarding area of study for many reasons. If you take the time to learn more about the process, you will find that this is an area of your career that will benefit you for years to come.

Cyclic Organic Chemistry

Cyclic Organic ChemistryWhile the theory of cyclic organic chemistry may seem complicated, the methods used to make it are simple. There are many examples of these kinds of organic chemistry at work in daily life.One of the most basic techniques for cyclic organic chemistry is the familiar process of neutralization. Using a simple method known as mass spectrometry, chemical analyses are performed to determine the concentration of the compound of interest. The reaction for this technique can be done either on the left or right hand side.Another form of cyclic organic chemistry is the conjugation of two compounds by means of a catalyst. The catalyst comes in several forms and is selected according to the starting or ending point of the reaction. Each form of catalyst will have its own unique effects and will require the use of a different kind of reagent. You can find examples of these reactions by using a dithionine reagent.While these are examples of the more complex techniques used in cyclic organic chemistry, there are other types of reactions that are very similar to the typical examples of cyclic organic chemistry. A carbon-fusing reaction, in which carbon-containing molecules are bonded to each other, is another example. In this reaction the common carbon atom of one molecule bonds with a nitrogen atom in the other molecule.These atoms combine to form larger molecules, known as monomers, through oxidation. A typical way of doing this is to burn the monomer, allowing a free electron to move from one of the atoms to another. This can happen in the form of an oxidation and reduction reaction.One of the more complex methods is a reaction known as the substitution of carbon. This occurs when carbon-containing molecules combine to form a molecule having a double bond between carbon atoms. The usual reaction occurs when the carbon in the atom of carbon-containing molecules is replaced by another carbon.As you can see, there are many examples of cyclic organic che mistry, making it very easy to understand. However, not all of these examples will necessarily be applicable to your job or lab.

Yoga for Pain Relief

Yoga for Pain Relief Can Yoga Help with Pain Relief? ChaptersCan I Do Yoga With Tendinitis?Can I Do Yoga With Osteoarthritis?Yoga for Back Pain ReliefCan I go to Yoga Class With Scoliosis?Can I Learn Yoga With Sciatica?Can I attend Yoga Classes With a Herniated Disc?Yoga Classes on Your PeriodDoing Yoga With a BabyWii yoga, anyone?Doing yoga is undeniably beneficial for your body. This age-old tradition which comes from India is becoming more and more popular today. Today it is estimated that over 35 million people practise yoga in the US.There are many types of yoga classes according to your preferences and requirements. Hatha-Yoga, Nidra-Yoga, Ashtanga, Power Yoga ... you can easily learn yoga at any age. Whether you choose to practice gentle yoga or more dynamic classes, you will feel the benefits.But as it goes, when our bodies aren’t able to keep up, when we catch certain diseases, is it sensible to turn to yoga or continue to practice it daily?Let's learn together, in relation to various diseases, the risks or benefits that yog a presents. In any case, it is important, before heading back to yoga class or doing yoga at home, to seek your doctor's approval. CarleyYoga Teacher 5.00 (5) £100/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LynnYoga Teacher 4.89 (9) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GenYoga Teacher £45/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JulieYoga Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AliceYoga Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LauraYoga Teacher 5.00 (6) £70/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors UndramYoga Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LottieYoga Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsCan I Do Yoga With Tendinitis?The first aliment we’re focusing on is mild yet very common: tendinitis.This inflammation of the tendon is usually related to repetitive movements. Athletes are among those who are easily susceptible to tendinitis. If tendinitis is easily treated, the basis of treatment is rest.Common tendin itis includes:Tendinitis of the Achilles,The wrist,The knee,The elbowOr the shoulder.It is therefore clear that if you suffer from tendinitis, you will have to adapt your yoga practice for a few weeks so as not to work on the affected tendon. If not, you could permanently weaken the tendon. Tendinitis can become a chronic condition.Ask your yoga teacher for tips on how to adjust the poses and enjoy yoga despite tendinitis.Can I Do Yoga With Osteoarthritis?In addition to medical treatments, massages and physiotherapy, have you tried yoga? Source: Visual huntAs you get older, your joints become weak and can lead to chronic diseases, such as osteoarthritis.Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilages of the joints are damaged and affects almost 10 million people in the UK. It is a rather debilitating disease as patients find it more and more difficult and painful to do every-day movements.This degenerative disease can require surgery and the fitting of prostheses to replace the unhealthy joint (hip or knee replacement). Medical treatment relies on managing the pain and doing exercise to preserve the mobility of the affected limb.A study recently highlighted the benefits of yoga for osteoarthritis.Exercise is essential to channel the development of the disease, yoga indeed seems to be the perfect activity for patients with osteoarthritis.Simple poses, carried out gently, according to the patient's ability can have real benefits:Muscle building around the joints,Improved joint flexibility,Pain reduction,Stress management and relaxation.There are plenty of classes for yoga near me specially adapted for senior citizens which can help them to maintain their mobility.Yoga for Back Pain ReliefAnother common complaint: back pain. Bad back posture or a more serious aliment, who has never suffered from backache? It is a common curse of our century. An ailment made all the more common as it is so intimately related to our state of mind. Stress is a major trigger and an aggrava ting factor of back pain.Are you prone to regular lower back or neck pain?Yoga is an activity to seriously consider. Yoga prevents back pain in various ways:Relaxation, stress management,Muscle building,Stretching of the back,Relaxation and meditation,Improved flexibilityEtc.All these points are essential to preserving the back and preventing backache. Yoga will also help you become aware of your body, learn to manage your emotions better and live mindfully.Back pain can quickly become very debilitating. Yoga can effectively relieve this pain. Source: Visual huntCan I go to Yoga Class With Scoliosis?Among the causes of back pain is scoliosis.This curving of the spine can be very debilitating for those affected. Generally detected in childhood or adolescence, scoliosis should be treated immediately to prevent it from worsening.Again, doing yoga with scoliosis could be a great form of treatment!Some specific poses have a real remedial effect on this condition. This is what emerged fro m a study that showed that the spine can actually recover through yoga. Not only does this exercise limit the development of the condition, but it also helps to reduce it.The side plank pose (Vasisthasana), done regularly seems to effectively reduce the curving of the spine. In addition, and it is worth noting, the practice of yoga relieves the pain caused by scoliosis and deeply strengthens back muscles. Of course, the practice of yoga poses must be performed well to avoid bad posture.Find yoga near me in London or searh yoga Manchester. CarleyYoga Teacher 5.00 (5) £100/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LynnYoga Teacher 4.89 (9) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GenYoga Teacher £45/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JulieYoga Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AliceYoga Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LauraYoga Teacher 5.00 (6) £70/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors UndramYoga Teacher £25/h1st lesson fre e!Discover all our tutors LottieYoga Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsCan I Learn Yoga With Sciatica?Sciatica is another condition related to the back.This nerve which starts in the lower back and extends to the foot can cause great pain when one of its roots is compressed in the lumbar region. In this case, the pain is blinding and particularly disabling. In the worst cases, it is difficult to move, or even find a position that is not even comfortable, but just bearable.However, the secret to relieving sciatica is staying active!For example, it is important to keep walking and doing gentle daily activities to reduce pressure. If at the height of the pain, you can sometimes move, as soon as the pain starts to fade, try doing certain yoga poses to relieve sciatica.Among theses poses, you'll find exercises which allow you to relax and stretch your back or work your leg muscles.It is important to do these smoothly, without forcing your body. Seated twisting can prov ide real pain relief by reducing pressure on the nerve. If you are a frequent victim of sciatica, we recommend practicing yoga as a preventative measure. It will strengthen your muscles and limit the frequency of attacks.Can I attend Yoga Classes With a Herniated Disc?A herniated disc, another common back problem, can be particularly uncomfortable!When the disc that connects two vertebrae is damaged, the nucleus forms a hernia which, with all the pressure, is very painful.Lots of rest is essential.In the most severe cases, surgery may be considered. In any case, it is important to stay in a lying position until the pain subsides. Yoga can help you through this difficult time, but it will not be a question of what poses to do.Yoga is also mediation, breathing and relaxation exercises.It's all about simple techniques to manage pain better and boost morale. This is particularly the case of Nîdra Yoga with its visualisation techniques.Once the patient is relieved, performing yoga after a herniated disc promotes rehabilitation and improved mobility. Relaxing the back and building muscle can be beneficial. Nevertheless, poses must be carefully chosen and executed gently so as not to risk injury.The child's pose, an essential for relaxation. Source: PixabayYoga Classes on Your PeriodLet us now think about pain specific to women. Firstly, menstrual pain.It's not always easy for men to understand female hormones... And yet, all women will tell you, periods are accompanied by premenstrual syndrome, abdominal pain, sometimes nausea, a drop in energy...To varying degrees according to women!So, how do you do yoga when you have your period and all you want to do is lie down with a hot water bottle and wait until you feel better?You should think about doing the more gentle yoga poses which help you to:Relax,Rest,Regain some vitality,Reduce menstrual pain.Some poses are more effective than others in this respect. These moments of relaxation, when you become aware of your bod y and your breathing, are really great for overcoming that dreaded time of the month.For those lucky enough not to experience menstrual pain, don't worry! You can keep doing dynamic yoga, but avoid upside-down poses and twists for a few days, which can have a negative outcome.Doing Yoga With a BabyNow let's talk about babies, even if they're not actually a disease!It's a wonderful moment in a woman's life. Again, yoga can help you become accustomed to these changes gradually and confidently.Prenatal yoga will allow you to enjoy your pregnancy and prepare you for childbirth. Be sure to take the right lessons for pregnant women of course. If you're just starting out, pregnancy is not the time to get into yoga class.Indeed, it is actually not recommended.Once the baby has arrived, there is no reason to deprive yourself of yoga which can be a great way to take some time off from your busy daily routine as a mum.Enjoy these moments of peace and harmony with your baby.  Yoga sessions for young mums also welcome infants. We rediscover the body and gently work the muscles. We also take this opportunity to bond with the baby and socialise with other moms. A good remedy for baby-blues.Simple poses allow muscles to be stretched, softened and strengthened. Source: Visual huntWii yoga, anyone?Are you a real homebody?Shy?Are group classes not really your thing?You can also try yoga at home on your Wii. You will learn simple moves and balancing exercises to gently introduce you to yoga.Be careful, however, it may make you want to join a real hatha yoga class and push yourself further. On the Wii yoga can actually look like a gym class, however, by learning the basics of yoga with a teacher, you will discover a real way of life, which you can apply to your daily routine to find the serenity with your mind as well as your body.Are you convinced yet? Yoga can help you at different stages of life to understand, respect and strengthen your body better.

10 Ways To Quicken Your Math Problem Solving - The Key To Scoring Top Marks In Class

10 Ways To Quicken Your Math Problem Solving - The Key To Scoring Top Marks In Class Math is singularly difficult for most people to work with. While for some, arithmetic with large numbers is daunting, for others calculus and trig are nightmarish! There are many effective techniques that can help student cope with math troubles and help with their math anxiety and students often turn towards experts and look to employ the best online math tutor to perform better. Here are a couple of tricks and tips to help students work with math easily. #Tip 1: Addition of large numbers Additions have been proverbially difficult for people to work with especially if it involves huge numbers. Doing the math in their head is difficult and yet one might need to do so during the normal course of life! Mastering this tricky issue is possible in this fashion: Make the numbers into multiples of ten and add them up. Determine what should be added to the numbers (that are multiples of ten) to make them equal to the original equation and simply add those figures up! For example, adding the numbers 457 and 568 seem difficult in your head. Round them off to multiples of ten first and you can either round them as 460 and 570 or 450 and 560 depending on whether you are comfortable with additions or subtractions? Add them up and they give you either 1030 or 1010. Add 3 and 2 in the first case and this gives you 5 and in the second case, the addition gives you 15 (7+8). Subtract in the first case and add in the second case from 1030 and 1010 respectively. This yields 1015 and 1015 which is the answer! #Tip 2: Subtraction from 1000 is ever so easy Do you find it hard to subtract a number from 1000? Here’s a simple rule to follow: Subtract every number from the digit 9 except for the last one. Subtract the last one from 10. For example, subtract 457 from 1000. You can work this out as 9-4, 9-5 and 10-7 which gives us 543 which is the right answer. #Tip 3: Multiply 5 with any number of your choice In this case, we have to consider two cases: even and odd. When you multiply 5 with an even number, it usually results in a zero at the last digit and with a 5 when the number is odd. Even number rule: Halve the number to be multiplied and add a zero to the end. Odd number rule: Subtract one from the odd number, halve the result and add five in the last digit for the result. For example, multiplying 26 with 5 works this way: 26/2 = 13 and add a zero at the end and this will give us 130. Similarly, when we multiply 33 with 5, the rule is applied as follows: (33-1) = 32/2 = 16. Adding a five at the end gives us 165 which is the right answer. #Tip 4: Tricks to help with division To find out if a number is divisible by the following numbers, employ these tricks: If the number ends in a zero, it is most certainly divisible by 10. If the sum of the digits adds up to nine, it is divisible by 9. When the last 3 digits of the number are evenly divisible by 8 or are 3 zeroes such as 000, the number is divisible by 8. If the number is even and the sum of the digits is evenly divisible by three, the number is divisible by 6. If the number ends with a five or zero, it is divisible by 5. If the number ends with the last 2 digits that are evenly divisible by 4 or are 00, the number is divisible by 4. When the sum of the numbers adds up to a number that is evenly divisible by 3, it is divisible by 3. If the last digit of the number is either 0,2,4,6 or 8, the number is divisible by 2. Such tricks are very helpful not only in exams; they also serve as excellent math homework help and bring down the time students spend on homework. #Tip5: Multiplying a number by 9 There is a simple rule to work with multiplication by 9 and it goes like this: Subtract 1 from the number in question and subtract the result from 9. The first number of the result is formed by the first result and the second number is formed by the second subtraction. For instance, multiply 6with 9. (61) = 5 is the first part of the result and the second part is (9-5) = 4. Thus, the result is 54. #Tip 6: Multiplying with 10 and 11 For 10, the rule is very simple and it goes like this: Add zero at the end to the number and the result is readily available. For example, 99*10 = 990 (just add 0 at the end to 99 and you get 990). For 11, the rule goes like this: Take the 2 digit number and put a blank between it and add the 2 digits and fill it in the blank. In case the result of the addition is another 2 digit number, add the last digit to the centre and add one to the digit before. For example, 76*11 = 7_6. In the blank add (7+6 = 13, so add the last digit 3) and add one to the first digit in 7_6 = (7+1)36 = 836. #Tip 7: Percentages are ever so tricky It is very easy to work put % with the following trick. To find 5% of 435, do the following: Move the decimal point over by one place in 435 and it becomes 43.5. Now, divide the result by 2 and this is the answer to the problem. Thus, 43.5/2 = 21.75% is the right answer. #Tip 8: Squaring a 2 digit number ending in 5 in a jiffy Multiply the first digit with its subsequent number (number + 1) and add one to it. Add 25 at the end to this result. For squaring 35 quickly, do the following: 3*(3+1) = 12. Add 25 to the end this makes it 1025. 5 Vedic #Math Secrets for Every Student to be a Math Genius â€" Tutor Pace (@TutorPace) September 21, 2015 #Tip 9: Difficult multiplication Multiplying two large numbers is very difficult; here is an easy way to do it. If one number is even, divide the first number by half and for the second number, double it. 20*130 = (20/2) * (130*2) = 10* 260 = 2600. #Tip 10: To multiply numbers that end with a 0 Simply add the zeroes in the numbers at the end and multiply the rest of the digits. For example, when you add 400 and 3000, there are 5 zeroes in total. Add them at the end and multiply 4 and 3 and add it at the beginning. 120000 is thus the answer. Kids’ Math Anxiety Reduced With An Online #Math Tutorâ€" Tutor Pace (@TutorPace) October 31, 2015 Summary Thus, these simple tricks are the best possible math assignment help there is for they allow students to work on tough problems with ease. Following these can help students work with math more effectively and solve problems quickly.

Sort Out The Problems With Various Middle School Writing Programs

Sort Out The Problems With Various Middle School Writing Programs School is one of the most important parts of our life. We spend most of our days in school of our life. School plays the most important and a crucial role in shaping us as a student. It teaches us lots of things that we carry with us throughout our entire lives. The importance of teachers is also very high in our lives. They are the shapers of our lives. Every good or bad, small or big thing which we know is mostly derived from them. Different stages of school life While in school we go through various stages of it. First is the nursery stage in which we are taught the initial starting of our education life with games, various activities and through rhymes and so on. The second stage is the primary school in which we become accustomed with the new subjects that are taught in the school. The primary schooling gets done over creating and making a base on the various subjects that are been taught. The third one is the middle school in which some new subjects are taught and all new advancement is made for better learning. The process of knowing, implementing them, getting to know the subject on a much better way and also improving yourself gets its level with the middle school studies. The last part is the high school in which only the things taught these years are improved and updated. The high school does not have any new implementation and the old ones are only polished for better tomorrow. It can be said that the middle school is very important for any student as the student goes through huge learning processes. Middle School teaches you the basics of the subjects and also helps you to get a firm idea about what subjects to choose and what not to go through. But today the school has become thorough professional and thus they cannot help a student with the kind of guidance he or she should get. The schools lack this and thus the students are left with a weaker base over the subjects that can never help them for further base. This is the time when the students need the support of some other help to strengthen their base. Online tutors come up for their help. About online teachers Online teaching is a new way of teaching. It is just like the other kind of private tuitions that they get, but a slight difference is there. The difference is that the whole process of this type of tuition classes is conducted over the online way. Do you know what online help is all about? Online way is that the entire class is concluded with various video conferencing, different types of tele-conferencing, online chatting and via emails. The teachers are present all round the clock and thus the students can take help anytime they want. The services provided by the online learning institutes are very unique and helps a student with as much support they want. They have stretched their wings in different types of subjects and different types of services related to teaching only. The Middle school writing programs is a part of the long list of services that they provide. The teachers that is present in this institute for better life. Benefits of online teaching The online teaching process is getting highly acclaimed by the ones who have used the services or know the entire fact of what is online teaching process all about. Let us list down some of the advantages so that being the first timer you can know about the features of it and get a rough idea about what is the process about. The efficient teachers are available who will help the student with best way to help them for better future. The teachers who are appointed in such institutes are very highly qualified and thus this helps the student to get better knowledge about the subject and also about the topic which is being taught. In some institutes it is seen that whether you have the efficiency and then only the teacher is hired. The teachers are available all round the year throughout the clock and thus every student can come up with the appropriate timing to attend the classes. The classes are conducted by the teacher anytime and it totally depends on the student as to how they will come up with the subject better through the help of the teacher. This help increases the self confidence of a student to a great extent. The charges are very low and thus the middle class students can easily come up with the enrollment of their names in these institutes. The charges are as per the affordability of the parents and thus the attraction towards these online tutoring increases. The travelling expenses are also lessened with the advent of such types of classes as these classes are conducted by sitting at home and as a student you do not have t move about from one place to another for getting the tuition classes. This helps the save of your time, energy of moving here and there and also your expenses to a large limit. The classes are all conducted with the help of some of the new technical way as online chats, online messaging, emails etc and thus you can save money from that way as well as you do not have to invest for the notes of your. TutorPace, a new learning institute When you are going on in a searching process then you can easily access the institute TutorPace and know what is and what kind of services does it provide. It also can provide you with a rough idea about the charges that are charged by the other institutes and there you can compare between any other institutes as well. The teachers are also well up to the mark and thus you can enroll yourself in such an institute as well.